
Sunday, September 18, 2011


Or how to fix the Global Economic Crisis

While I do not possess a degree in Economics, I do have a degree of sympathy for those of us affected by the Global Economic Downturn (GED). And while this may not qualify me to speak on economic issues, may I remind you that it was economists (and well as some notable others) who are chiefly to blame for the state of the financial system. But now is not the time to point fingers. Instead, we should examine ways in which we can salvage the world's economy, with the reputations of economists and leaders along with it.

The traditional response to economic downturns is for governments to introduce new taxes and cuts in public spending. Rather than stimulating the economy to grow (which is what they really should be doing) their actions merely exasperate the situation by putting strain on the common man, who is already over-stretched. Throughout history, times of economic growth are known to be followed by periods of contraction. The reason governments exist, in the first place, is to covet wealth in times of plenty, so that they can use it to reinvigorate the economy in less fortunate times. Recent governments have admittedly failed to do this/ But why have they failed? The reason is simple; they were fooled into believing that the 'good times' would never end, when we all know that they do.

In the 4-D Economy there exists a way to restore consumer confidence and recapitalise the banks, without entering into the unnecessary, and debilitating cycle of tax and cut-backs. I will summarize the main articles of the 4-D economic plan in just a moment, but for a more detailed overview I suggest you read the last post; 4-D Economics. At present there are 3-Dimensions to the world economy, these are; the Stock Market, the Futures or Derivatives Market and the commodities, on which the entire system is based. My proposal is to input all of the real-time information for each market into a powerful super-computer that could then perform a multiplication of these figures to produce an accurate 3-D picture of the entire economic wealth of the planet, at that moment. The method to achieve this is simply to multiply the combined value of the worlds commodities by the combined image value of the stock markets, and then multiply this by the combined mite of the derivatives or hedge funds market to create a model of the 3-D economy.

From that moment on, the fluctuating values of this system could be looked upon as a bank account that contains all of the world's wealth (animal, vegetable and mineral) multiplied to the power of three. Clearly this is a very large sum of money indeed. But only the products of this multiplication could be used for any real or practical purposes, as the initial funds are all tied up in various aspects of the economy. However, even if we were to just extract the interest of these holdings over a modest period of time, I am sure that we would have more than enough to shore-up the banking crisis.

Recently economists have noted that governments may be undervaluing their economies by billions of dollars every year. How is this possible? Well, it appears that previous estimates failed to take into account the role that bats play in the control of insect populations. If it wasn't for these furry flying rodents the US economy would have to fork out billions in pesticides every year, which would gradually take its toll on the economy; crippling it.

If something as simply and natural as bats can be seen to contribute so much to the national coffers, then why not also include the continuous and all sustaining power of the sun into the equation? Granted it is a public good, and therefor, not to be sold or bartered. But, nevertheless, it generates countless billions of giga-wat energy, that would otherwise have to be generated by electrical means. Come to think of it, why not re-evaluate the oceans, without which the energy of the Sun would reduce the surface of the Earth to an unprofitable desert?

Even more recently, scientists revealed their most accurate estimate for the number of living species on the planet to be 8,700,000. Remarkably, this is very close to the figure of 8,400,000 that is outlined in the Vedic teachings several thousand years earlier. Go figure.

Man is lord of earth, as Guru Arjan says, "Of all the eight million and four hundred thousand species, God conferred superiority on man" (GG, 1075)

Anyhow, it seems that this information could help economists arrive at a better estimate for the potential economic value of all the species on earth (as crude as that sounds). This data along with all the Earth's mineral wealth could also be represented in our computer model, as assets to accrue yet more interest.

Obviously, if there is going to be a new bank account that contains the 4-dimensional wealth of the entire planet, there needs to be a bank to service the account and possibly a trustee to take control of it. In light of some of the religious implications of this article, I suggest calling this bank the Vault of Heaven, after Genesis 1:20;

God said, 'Let the waters be alive with a swarm of living creatures, and let birds wing their way above the earth across the vault of heaven.' And so it was.

As for the identity of the trustee, I will leave that up to your own discretion.

You might be wondering, why should we go to such lengths to create wealth in this manner, when it is clear that we are just creating it out of thin air? If you are wondering this, then it is clear that you don't understand how the financial system works, as all money is created by bank-lords out of thin air. To learn more about how money is created I suggest you read this very informative article.

As I have said, I am not an economist, so it is very likely that what I have suggested is of absolutely no value whatsoever. However, I believe that the fundamental concept of the 4-D economy has value, and is the necessary ingredient meant to balance the fractured fabric of the current global economy. I believe that if economists were to look in detail into 4-D economic policies, they would see that there is an endless supply of wealth existing there, just waiting to be obtained. But since it is very unlikely that anyone is going to pay attention to what I have to say, I am going to say whatever I choose.

1) If you think about it all money is 4-Dimensional. For example, if I were to put a 50 Euro note on a table and ask you to tell me exactly how much it was worth, you might point to the number on its face and say 50 Euro. However, depending how long that note has been in circulation for, it has been responsible for the purchase of an amount of goods well in excess of its stated value. Therefore, money is a self-renewing entity.

2) Money can be broken into smaller parts and still remain whole. (If you break a $20 bill into two fives and a 10 the original note is still undiminished).

Statement (1) is untrue, because statement (2).

You could also say;
I can't spend the money in my bank account, because if I spend it, it is no longer in my bank account.

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