
Friday, August 31, 2012


During meditation people are often asked to focus one or other the glands in the human brain; either the Pineal or Pituitary glands. This can serve as an annoyance to meditators, because in the first instance it is difficult to locate either of these glands accurately. You can't just open up your brain and take a look inside... And in the second instance, because it is difficult to see how remaining quiet and present with either of these glands is really going to cause them to activate or 'open'. Another problem with these exercises is the close proximity between the pineal gland – region closely related to compassionate feelings – and the amygdala, which controls fear and the flight or fight mechanism. It is obviously more beneficial to focus on the pineal gland then on the amygdala, therefore.

The human ear is a message written in flesh on the sides of our heads. The very shape of the ear is a riddle calling for an answer to be heard. Why are human ears shaped the way they are? Surely they could operate just as well simply as holes or featureless parabolas. And yet they express this convoluted form that is unique to each individual. Why?

Well, for a start the round shape of the ear closely imitates the shape of the cranium itself. Seeing as how these two prominent sense organs sit on either side of the head, it could mean that they are - in some way - trying to tell us about the shape of the brain matter within. I believe the ears are like a map made of cartilage, giving us a fractal cross-section of the brain that is not merely representative, but actually hardwired into the brain via a most sophisticated hardware of blood and nerve-endings.

Therefore, the ear is like a computer terminal that can be used to access parts of the brain (such as the Pineal Gland) from an external mode rather than an imprecise and messy internal one.

Now I know that there those who might contest this view, saying how the shape of the human ear helps reflect sound into the ear drum, or some other thing. But such mundane observations and explanations as 'Ears, they make you hear," will not be entertained here.

I believe that the human ear is the weirdest sense organ of the all. It is because of this 'weardness' that the human ear is possessed of a rich occult significance. This occult significance leads right back to what we were saying earlier on; about how the ear can be used to trigger areas of the brain that are beneficial to meditational practice. We can 'hear' with the ear, or we can be 'here' with it. In this case 'here' means to be present.

By applying a moderate (slight) amount of pressure with the fingertips we can activate the different regions of the brain by an external and instantaneous process. No more sitting around messing up your meditation thinking about whether or not you are in the right region of the brain. By touching your ear on the points stipulated in the diagram you will receive the desired reaction almost instantly.

The Green Dot in the image represents the area on the ear that conforms to the pituitary gland in the average brain. The Red, Blue, and Yellow dots therefore conform to the Third Eye, the Pineal Gland and the Crown Chakra, respectively.

By touching the Red and the Blue areas in tandem you will have activated the pineal gland and its gateway, the Third Eye together. Likewise, touching the Yellow and Green areas will allow you to access the Pituitary and Crown Chakra used in the Transcendental meditation phase.

This approach has some obvious resemblances to reflexology, but meditation is still required on the practitioner's part. OSVH.

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