Although agents of the Upper Realm can take any number of different professions as a viable cover, one of the most rewarding and prodigious is that of the Artist. Whether a painter, writer, sculpter, or musician you are garaunteed to either be in the company of sleeper agents, or to be one yourself. In fact anyone who has a procedural skill, such as doctors, dentists, opticians, architects and engineers are likely to be from the Upper Realm Secret Services (URSS). Looking exclusively at the Artistic discipline, for the moment, it is easy to see how the level of observation required when developing an exceptional standard of draughtsmanship will focus the attention (or seminal) point fixedly on the material world. When this attention is then lead to other realms outside of the habitual ways of seeing employed by denizens of the Metrix reality, full attainment or Total Recall, can be attained under these circumstances. Noteworthy groups and individuals who developed some measure of this practice were the Surrealists Salvidor Dali, and the less well affiliated; though no less notable, Rene Magritte. The term ‘Art’ itself, although undoubtedly related to the word artifice, is assumed here to be the abbreviation of Alternative Reality Training.
We should consider ART to be associated with the burgeoning appearance of the ARG (Alternative Reality Gaming) which has appeared across the Internet, and other locations for the better part of a decade. My own experience with ARGs came one New Years when I was vacationing with friends in Kerry. While inspecting the alcoves of a ringfort for bats, I came across a jar filled with miscellaneous objects such as; a plastic butterfly, a penny, a train ticket etc. Along with these was a note indicating that the jar and the objects were part of a game called Cistes, which is very popular in France and other areas on the Continent.* Intrigued by the find, and coincidentally researching the Artistic philosophy of Psychogeography, as created by Guy de Bord, I decided to combine the two and so create the Orpen Aisle ARG. The Orpen Aisle ARG was originally to be based around the locality of my former collegeª, but was ultimately abandoned due to lack of funds.
It is doubtful if even Burrough’s himself would have known the answer to this; seeing as how the true nature of the espionage front is being played out on a fourth dimensional plane. But once this has been comprehended, it is possible to see how even the most seemingly random decisions that we make throughout our daily lives are part of an intricate web of hyper-dimensional calculations to produce a particular desired outcome. The data (or intel) that is collected in the Wayfinding manner is completely unintelligible to one not versed in its methodology, and the inconspicuous, low-tech approach provided by the copybook limits the amount of attention drawn to it in the first instance. This is the primary reason why scrapbooks and copybooks are used by undercover operatives of the Upper Realms.
* At the time there was only perhaps as many as three Cistes existing in the entire country!
ª Although the college was heavily infested by androids (most likely produced on an assembly line, on nearby Mars) it did give me the chance to brush up on my ART, by means of Lucid Dreaming techniques. Which just means I got to slept a lot through college.
ª Although the college was heavily infested by androids (most likely produced on an assembly line, on nearby Mars) it did give me the chance to brush up on my ART, by means of Lucid Dreaming techniques. Which just means I got to slept a lot through college.
º Interpreting Historical events from one time period by the events of another is known as Psychohistory.
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