
Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Blue Kachina; Part 2

The Red Kachina

Nina Hagen's blog, which is updated regularly, talks much of the Blue Kachina and Red Kachinas, an ancient Hopi prophecy.

"When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. After this the Red Kachina will appear watch us to see if it should bring about purification. Hopi Prophecy also speaks of twin Kachinas - white and blue.

The purifier will appear, as the Red Kachina, maybe that means it will appear red in the telescopes that the scientists use. It will remain almost in one place for a long time. Like an eye watching us. That is when Saquasohuh, the one that is called the Blue Star Kachina will also return. Saquasohuh is benevolent, but the others will not be so. When the others come there will begin the war in the heavens as we have been told." Robert Ghost Wolf and the Hopi Elders, February, 1997.

It is my belief that the Red Kachina and Saquasohuh are the same star, Betelgeuse located in the shoulder of Orion. Betelgeuse is a Super Red Giant that is visible in both North and Southern hemispheres. There are reports that Betelgeuse has shrunk by 15% since 1993 at an average speed of 470-490mph. Scientist, who never expected such a consistent change in stars size are speculating that Betelgeuse could turn into a super-nova or a black hole in the next three to four years. This would coincide significantly with 2012 and the Age of Aquarius.

No one knows for sure yet, but if Betelgeuse does collapse, and I believe it will, it would undoubtedly create a supernova that would outshine our moon for several months and make it look like the Earth had two suns or twin kachinas, for a time. The colour of this collapsed star would be blue and the remnants might form a hypothetical star that physicists call a Blue Dwarf. For an interesting forum on the collapse of this star and the colour blue see here.

The Signs of the Ancient Hopi Indian Prophecy.

This is the First Sign: We were told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana -- men who took the land that was not theirs and who struck their enemies with thunder. (Guns)

This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. (Covered wagons)

This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. (Longhorn cattle)

This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron. (Railroad tracks)

This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web. (Power and telephone lines)

This is the Sixth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun. (Concrete roads and their mirage-producing effects.)

This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it. (Oil spills)

This is the Eighth Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like our people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn our ways and wisdom. (Hippies)

And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of the Hopi people will cease.

Betelgeuse is between 442 and 500 light years from Earth. This means that as the first sign of the Hopi Indians was taking place, with the arrival of the Spanish in the New World, the shrinking of Betelgeuse was already happening 500 hundred light years away. Commencement of the first and last sign takes place at the same time. This must be what Clarke spoke of, in the forward to his book 2010: A Space Odyssey, as ‘retroactive continuity’. Incidentally in that book Jupiter shrinks exponentially to form a second sun, Lucifer. The Hopi Prophecy says when the Blue Kachina appears the Fifth World will begin. Jupiter is the fifth world from our sun, should we be looking for a fifth element now?

In Pinocchio Gepetto wishes upon a falling star - You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. The Blue Fairy is the falling star - It will appear as a blue star. And she will answer all our wishes. In 2012, when Betelgeuse collapses we must all make a wish, and new intent, to become free and fully aware. We must all learn to recognise as Pinocchio did, the voice of our conscience so that we too can become real people. In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy's house also falls with a great crash, when it is whisked away to Oz by tornado.

The Betelgeuse Disaster

An early foreshadowing of the demise of the Red Giant occurred in 1979 when a supertanker called  the Betelgeuse exploded at Whiddy Island terminal in West Cork, Ireland. Some people have questioned the official story that it was an accident and feel that there may have been a bomb aboard. I found this hard to believe, but then I remembered the bomb that Zorg planted on the Cruise Ship in the Fifth Element. The manner in which the cruise ship broke in two, as well as the location of the explosion ,seemed to mirror the Betelgeuse incident perfectly. Could this really have been an act of sabotage? We may never know for sure. Directly after the disaster Total SA and Gulf Oil, who owned the tanker and the terminal respectively, closed ranks and refused to comment on the issue; effectively stifling all inquiry.

The demise of Betelgeuse and the cruise ship appear to mirror each other with surprising accuracy.

There are only two terminals on the jetty at Whiddy Island, these are designated Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 22. It is believed that had the pier workers run to Dolphin 1, instead of the ill-fated Dolphin 22, that they might have survived the ensuing inferno. Why, if there are only 2 terminals on the jetty, was the second one called Dolphin 22? Why is the name Dolphin 22 now forever etched in the mind of those who read about and witnessed the events of that day? What significance does it hold?

The answer comes from the fact that dolphins have 22 chromosome pairs from each parent. If the Whiddy Island disaster foreshadows the death of the Betelgeuse star on the shoulder of Orion in 2012, does this  piece of information also implicate dolphins and their genetic structure some how? What does dolphin DNA have to say about us and our spiritual destiny in 2012? Recent research into dolphin DNA suggest that wehave more in common genetically with dolphins than we do with apes -  a lot more. Out of the 22 chromozome pairs that humans share with dolphins, 13 are identical; while the other nine are the same information organized in a different way. Alister Hardy was the first to propose that man evolved from an aquatic ape, related to dolphins, way back in the 1960's. Since then, research into dolphins has lead more and more scientists to reconsider this theory. Paula Peterson at Earthcode International has this to say about the subject;

"One of the most noticeable differences between human and ape is the lack of hair. Humans do, indeed, have hairs all over the body. However, the hairs are short, fine and less conspicuous. The argument for this difference is that our early ancestors had to stay cool from the heat of the Savanna deserts where early humans are said to have first appeared. But that makes no sense. Even in the hottest countries, apes and other animals still have hair. In fact, the hair provides insulation and protection from heat as well as the suns rays.

"And why did the hunting male, who was likely to over heat in the course of the hunt, retain more hair than the slower-moving female waiting back home?

"Aquatic ape theory points out that virtually all hairless mammals are either aquatic or wallowers. The longer an animal has been in the water, the more complete the hair loss. Dolphins still retain a few vestigial bristles around their snout, but otherwise, their silken skin is entirely naked.

As a possible consequence of this hairlessness;

"Humans perspire as a response to heat. Apes do not. Humans shed tears. Apes do not. The interesting thing about tear glands is that it is commonly found among sea mammals as an adaptation to the marine environment."

This is the real meaning of the Blue Angel message. Blue has always stood for water. Blue angel, alien, dwarf and fairy really means "water alien," "water fairy" (nymph). This must have something to do with the Age of Aquarius, the first solar sign of the Fifth Age. Blue also stands for sex (blue movies). Sex is often related to water, and water to life.

The Olympics and the Indigos

In the 2004 Athens Olympic opening ceremony a blue angel, fertility Goddess was shown bestowing a child upon a primordial woman. The Greeks had filled the stadium with five thousand gallons of water, effectively turning it into a giant swimming pool. All of the characters then went down to the water where a holographically projected double helix glowed sympathetically with the woman's unborn child. There is an effort here to connect the internal waters of the womb with the external bodies of water - the oceans - through the DNA strand. This suggest a dolphin to human evolutionary cycle? Does the glowing child represent the next phase of human evolution?

The Blue Angel, fertility God/Goddess and the mother of the glowing child.

Indigo children, so-called because of their blue auras, are believed to be children of significantly higher evolutionary standard than most average people. A number of varieties of these children have been recorded including; psychic children, star children and sparkle children. Dolphin children are the latest addition to this phenomenon. They are apparently the reincarnation of dolphin souls into the human population. Presumably the nearness of our evolutionary paths facilitates such a cross-over without much difficulty. Could it be that the evolutionary cycle of these children will speed up over the next few months and years until a new and total benevolent hierarchy of being will be sharing the earth with the rest of us? It is possible, but from what I have learnt, it is not their responsibility to bring about world peace; that will still be left to the rest of us to decide upon.

Bjork's performance of 'Oceania', at the Athens 2004 Olympic ceremony ties in with the theme of the oceans and motherhood. In this song Bjork sings from the point of view of 'Mother Oceania' addressing her children; the human race. The stunning video for this song portrays star systems in  a space-like watery medium. The definitive lyric of the song; "Your sweat is salty, I am why," tries to convey the aquatic roots of man's lineage, of which dolphins are our closest relative.

"Humans perspire as a response to heat. Apes do not. Humans shed tears. Apes do not. The interesting thing about tear glands is that it is commonly found among sea mammals as an adaptation to the marine environment."

In this song Bjork uses a play on reversal that is very similar to Milton's use of them in his mini-epic Paradise Regained. One the antonyms she uses, "hawks and sparrows race in my waters, stingrays soar across the sky," is not as fictional, or at least alone in its fictionality, as one might expect. The maker of this video puts forth the same idea about stingrays flying in the sky and how it is the work of Satan. Likewise, the theme of Paradise Regained is the temptation of Christ by Satan.

Bjork has one of the world's most recognizable voices, and her characteristic vocalizations can be strongly associated with the songs of whales and orcas. She even sings about and appears in videos along side these animals.

Part of the visuals in the video for Oceania are strikingly similar to the intro animation for the Jacoby Group. See below for more information on this group and how they relate to the rest of the story.

The leaves in Bjork's video are lit by the Sun, underwater.
The leaves in the Jacoby Group are lit above water by the moon.

Dolphins and 2012

Dolphin 22 and the Betelgeuse disaster foreshadows the collapse of Alpha Orionis (Betelgeuse) in around 2012. Dolphins and DNA are part of this signal, so what do they have to do with 2012?
The creators of this thread have done some interesting work finding out. They discovered that the same people who own the enigmatic and dormant website, Sunil Gupta & David M. Cole, also own Learning Soft LLC developed the "Indigo Learning System", a laptop to aid teachers and students in the classroom. David Cole owns Aquathought is a research group interested in communicating with dolphins. Both of these companies are part of the Jacoby Group. In the education section of the Jacoby Group website there is a video of 25 Hawaiian school children using Indigo handsets to collect data on humpbacked whales out at sea.

Also taking part in the video were Alexandra and Phillipe Cousteau, grandchildren of famed ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau. At one point Alexandra tells a little boy that he is important. Why? Is it because he is taking part in the Indigo whale survey or is it because she believes him to be an Indigo child? Jacques Cousteau said that the original sin was leaving the oceans and that every time man goes back into the sea he repents. Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost is written about the Fall of Man and his exile from the Garden of Eden. Fhloston Paradise, derives its name from Milton's epic and the cruise ship suggests the direction in which man can hope to find his Paradise Regained. Fhloston also represents the Big Island of Hawaii, the holiday world. When Leeloo and Korben arrive they are given flower necklaces by grass skirt wearing Hula dancers. If Hawaii is synonymous with paradise, and I am not saying it is not, then Alexandra and Phillipe Cousteau look an awful lot like the biblical Adam and Eve in this video.

One thing that has repeated itself through out this investigation is the theme of Devine female/Mother Goddess or Creator. Bjorks portrayal of 'Mother Oceania', Nina Hagen's loving but stern advice, Leeloos inflections, and the glowing womb of the Mother of the Messiah, all seem to point towards the Ancient belief of a female creator. The Hopis believed in such a creator, as a matter of fact it is one of the many beliefs that they paradoxically share with the Ancient Sumerians. Didn't the Sumerians also believe in alien Gods using advance genetic techniques to engineer man? Maybe Goro got it right after all, when he said it the Olympic opening ceremony was all about genetic manipulation by creatures from Mars.

Update; Bjork is the blue angel indigo child. Bjork grew up in a type of commune with her "hippy" parents. Even when she was a child the rest of group would listen to her and do as she directed. They all believed that she was closer to God then anyone else. Bjork has a tatoo of a viking compass known as a Vegvisir. This symbol helps people to find their path and guides them through life. It is almost derived from the same pagan Nordic religions as the Valknut, but its meaning is completely opposite. Bjork once sang a song with Welsh electronic group Plaid. The song, called Lilith, was named after the first wife of Adam, and a female Mesapotamian storm demon. Lilith is another name for Nemesis, the brown dwarf star whose presence is felt and not seen. Other names for Lilith are; Hectate of Greece, Nana of Babylon, (Black) Anu of the British Isles, and Anantis of Egypt.

In this photo, taken at the 2001 Oscars, you can visibly see Bjork's Nordic tattoo. Placed alongside a picture of the demon Lilith, the parallels are alarming; as she looks down the famous swan dress is replaced with a python.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see any mention of Dr. Manhatten from 'The Watchmen' movie. He's blue and completely hairless.
